Captain Trevor Walsh has 25 years of experience fishing up-and-down the coastline of California. After taking permanent residence in San Diego in 2005, he has made it his life’s passion to pursue offshore sport-fishing as a profession and lifestyle. As operator of the Patriot he takes pride in providing his customers with a safe, fun, an informative experience like no other.

Captain Greg Swanberg grew up with summers fishing on canoes, and jon boats on the lakes of Minnesota, Fishing on Chesapeake Bay and Mid Atlantic Ocean in Ocean City, Md. He also spent time living overseas in Bogota, Colombia and Nairobi, Kenya.
After a couple detours and a career in law enforcement, He returned to Fishing and boating in San Diego on several boats over the last 8 years, chasing Big Bluefin Tunas to filling up limits with Dorados and Yellowtails and many others in between.
He truly enjoys being out on the water and wants to help his clients to be able to enjoy the same passion that comes from Fishing” on the Patriot.

Landon has always lived his life with some form of water close to him. From growing up on Lake Lanier in Georgia, to living on Poste Lake in Ohio, while going to culinary school. He has worked and traveled throughout the Caribbean Sea, cooking on yachts. Recently, Landon has been sharing his seasons with Lake Tahoe in the winter and San Diego in the summers. Landon is excited to always be learning about the fishing industry and showing off his versatility.

Fishing has been my life as long as I can remember.My uncle Steve Lassely wrapped a bass rod for me when I was 8 years old which really inspired me to fish for a living. Having a grandfather and son that served in the military really makes the participation of the Patriot in veteran organized events very special. Aboard the Patriot, I am proud to be involved in any fishing trip with our clients sharing my 30+ years of knowledge of fishing the Pacific.